The Real Married Man Begins Again
I guess there is no better time than now to begin this venture, journey, sojourn or path. It seems an endless thing in which I now undertake but it does indeed end and only I know the meaning of its finality. Basically what I'm saying here is that I know when enough is enough and I know when to quit. Without further adieu... here we go.
Herein lays the very first posting of the Married Man blogger style. Once upon a time I began this whole thing as a college student, fresh from a failed marriage, child in mix and one hell of an antagonistic ex. I thought to myself, "hey maybe if I share my experiences with others I can in some way help out." I had visions of grandeur where I saw myself as the savior of men who didn't have a clue. I would field questions from readers and start like an advice column, but that never happened. In fact the only responses I did get were from a nutcase who happened to be a former professor of the university. He went at length to provide me with leading and insulting responses. We carried on this conversation, me through the newspaper, him through anonymous letters sent to me through campus mail, for some weeks. Finally it all ended when he accused me of being a faggot because I chose to ignore his letters and talked about decorating my apartment, which just happened to be the first apartment sans relationship.
So anyway, getting back to my admirer. He showered me with letters about how God would have saved my relationship and so on, which I appreciated until he called me names. That, my friends, was the final straw. I found out, by luck actually, who he was. It seems that he would actually just go to the secretary of the Undergraduate Student Government office and have her mail them to me. Well since she knew who I was she just put them in my mailbox at the newspaper. Also, she knew who he was. When I started talking about what a joke this fella was she told me who he was and pointed him out to me.
Well guess what happened next... I decided to confront the guy. I went up to him in the Student Union cafeteria and told him that I knew he was sending me letters and that I no longer appreciated the tone of said letters. He started to shake visibly. He denied sending them but let slip a detail about the letters that only he and I knew since I never published anything of what he wrote to me. I only shared the general idea of what he said in his columns. He shook more violently. So here is this old guy sitting in school cafeteria shaking with me standing over him. I'm not a small man. I am 6'1" and at that point I was about 230 lbs. I weigh more now, unfortunately, but we'll get into that later. I decide to hunker down to his level. I said, "I know that it's you, and I want the letters to stop." And viola' they stopped. Just like that! See what you have to go through when you have your own idea and decide to publish it for everyone to see? I can't imagine how
Anyway, the main point of what I plan to do now is to share my experiences again. I am now remarried, hence the Married Man title and have a wealth of stuff I can talk about. Plus this time I would like people to respond with what they think. Sometimes I'll be sappy, sometimes I'll be crass and sometimes I'll probably just blather on about who knows what but it will always be me doing the talking... unless of course people respond to my posts. I'm sure I'll be able to handle that and deal with it when I have to. So look forward to more writings by me and I'll let you know what I think about Life, the Universe and Everything and not just the book but the world around us and how I think relationships affect us all. Feel free to submit ideas for me to talk about too. That was one of the biggest things I did before I guess was that I would go up to people I didn't know and ask what they would like me to write about. By the way, the column became wildly popular much to my surprise and I got to learn more about life along the way.
Until next time... the Married Man
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