Change Needs Understanding
There is this helpless spot in everyone’s life. I have it. You have it. We all have it. It’s that part of life where you decide what you are going to do and it drives you. You are a hapless, helpless schmuck who wonders what the hell is going to happen next.
This very instant of helplessness is what sets people apart and is the subject of this week’s column. I see this instant as pivotal for every person. There are two ways to deal with this instant, which is entirely affected by your personal belief system. The way you deal with this instant, and this instant happens over and over by the way, depends on how you see life and what you internalize as you progress through existence. The two options in this case are simply to take action in the form of new behaviors and personal experiments or continue with what you always do and essentially change nothing. If you change nothing you still possess the knowledge that you just passed up the opportunity to change but didn’t.
Actually the subject of this week’s column is a person’s personal belief system and how it affects their actions in life. I see people’s actions in a positive/negative way, black and white, yes or no. I say this because the act of changing your life or situation is one thing, which can subsequently be comprised of many little things. I realize this gets rather ethereal but it’s just how it is. The overall effect is simple. You either do or you don’t and that’s huge in a person’s life. You either change or you don’t.
The problem comes from a person’s ability to make change and whether they choose a new course of action. I maintain that change can only become possible when a person understands what they are doing at a deeply personal level. Take this for example, what makes fat people lose weight? I mean there are tons of stories of people who were huge who lost weight and there are tons of huge people who continue to either grow or just stay huge. Both these types of people know that obesity is an enormous problem (pun partially intended). Yet what makes one person change and the other not. I think this comes down to personal understanding.
What I mean by personal understanding is how deeply you comprehend an idea. You can simply know something or deeply understand it. Here is another example. Everyone knows that everyone has to die. Everyone knows that it will hurt emotionally when someone very close to you dies. Yet the person who has never experienced that does not understand that concept nearly as deeply as a person who has lost someone very close to them. This understanding consistently affects the outcomes of our lives and our actions. In order to make personal change you must understand things at a deeply personal level. Take the weight loss example again. Some people lose weight when they have a heart attack or become diabetic. Their lives are changed whether or not they chose to acknowledge it. Their understanding has become more personal because their environment has forced understanding upon them. Yet some people, despite this greater understanding refuse to change.
I talked with my mother, the drunk, a couple of weeks ago and she told me that at 57 she finally gets that she doesn’t have to be the way she is anymore. She no longer has to put up with the bullshit of her life and she needn’t be what others think she is. She can choose to be a drunk or not. She can choose career success or further downward spiral into financial failure. This realization is the pivotal point. Her understanding is now deeper than it ever has been before when she was busy crapping on my existence with her drunken nude scenes and obsessive behavior. Before she always knew on the surface that she didn’t have to get drunk and act poorly. She knew that she didn’t have to sleep with men who were abusive. She never acquired the level of understanding she needed to change. Apparently now she has. I won’t hold my breath but I do believe she does understand this concept on a level new to her. With this new understanding comes new perception and this perception makes old behaviors kind of pointless. It’s like our life works in a linear and circular fashion at the same time. We get older in a linear fashion and yet can do the same things over and over in an endless circle no matter how destructive. In order to move forward we must become linear again and start trying new things. It’s like you start walking down a path instead of just standing there doing circles. If you have a goal you must get there, and to get to that goal you have to understand deeply how important it is to get there.
I’m not sure if this column is exactly fair. I tried to encapsulate an idea in 1000 words what some people would take an entire book to do. I’ll boil it down to this. We all reach these helpless points in our lives where we don’t know what’s ahead and are not completely sure what to do. We either move forward in an attempt to reach our goals or we stay in the same place. Our decisions whether or not to change come from our understanding and how deeply we understand ourselves, and the issues at hand. Until we can look at our true selves and our true situations and see life on its deeply personal level nothing really changes. We stay the same. Nothing will become real for us and we remain circular beings.
I’ve spent the last 6 years expanding my understanding of life in order to change. I realized that I had to own all my gifts and faults in addition to my circumstances. Then I had to decide what I wanted from life and decide whether or not it was worth it to try to go after what I want. Personally I’m scared but I try ever day to move further along my path because I understand what’s at stake and I don’t want to move in circles ever again.
As always, thanks for reading to the end. Talk to you next week.
This very instant of helplessness is what sets people apart and is the subject of this week’s column. I see this instant as pivotal for every person. There are two ways to deal with this instant, which is entirely affected by your personal belief system. The way you deal with this instant, and this instant happens over and over by the way, depends on how you see life and what you internalize as you progress through existence. The two options in this case are simply to take action in the form of new behaviors and personal experiments or continue with what you always do and essentially change nothing. If you change nothing you still possess the knowledge that you just passed up the opportunity to change but didn’t.
Actually the subject of this week’s column is a person’s personal belief system and how it affects their actions in life. I see people’s actions in a positive/negative way, black and white, yes or no. I say this because the act of changing your life or situation is one thing, which can subsequently be comprised of many little things. I realize this gets rather ethereal but it’s just how it is. The overall effect is simple. You either do or you don’t and that’s huge in a person’s life. You either change or you don’t.
The problem comes from a person’s ability to make change and whether they choose a new course of action. I maintain that change can only become possible when a person understands what they are doing at a deeply personal level. Take this for example, what makes fat people lose weight? I mean there are tons of stories of people who were huge who lost weight and there are tons of huge people who continue to either grow or just stay huge. Both these types of people know that obesity is an enormous problem (pun partially intended). Yet what makes one person change and the other not. I think this comes down to personal understanding.
What I mean by personal understanding is how deeply you comprehend an idea. You can simply know something or deeply understand it. Here is another example. Everyone knows that everyone has to die. Everyone knows that it will hurt emotionally when someone very close to you dies. Yet the person who has never experienced that does not understand that concept nearly as deeply as a person who has lost someone very close to them. This understanding consistently affects the outcomes of our lives and our actions. In order to make personal change you must understand things at a deeply personal level. Take the weight loss example again. Some people lose weight when they have a heart attack or become diabetic. Their lives are changed whether or not they chose to acknowledge it. Their understanding has become more personal because their environment has forced understanding upon them. Yet some people, despite this greater understanding refuse to change.
I talked with my mother, the drunk, a couple of weeks ago and she told me that at 57 she finally gets that she doesn’t have to be the way she is anymore. She no longer has to put up with the bullshit of her life and she needn’t be what others think she is. She can choose to be a drunk or not. She can choose career success or further downward spiral into financial failure. This realization is the pivotal point. Her understanding is now deeper than it ever has been before when she was busy crapping on my existence with her drunken nude scenes and obsessive behavior. Before she always knew on the surface that she didn’t have to get drunk and act poorly. She knew that she didn’t have to sleep with men who were abusive. She never acquired the level of understanding she needed to change. Apparently now she has. I won’t hold my breath but I do believe she does understand this concept on a level new to her. With this new understanding comes new perception and this perception makes old behaviors kind of pointless. It’s like our life works in a linear and circular fashion at the same time. We get older in a linear fashion and yet can do the same things over and over in an endless circle no matter how destructive. In order to move forward we must become linear again and start trying new things. It’s like you start walking down a path instead of just standing there doing circles. If you have a goal you must get there, and to get to that goal you have to understand deeply how important it is to get there.
I’m not sure if this column is exactly fair. I tried to encapsulate an idea in 1000 words what some people would take an entire book to do. I’ll boil it down to this. We all reach these helpless points in our lives where we don’t know what’s ahead and are not completely sure what to do. We either move forward in an attempt to reach our goals or we stay in the same place. Our decisions whether or not to change come from our understanding and how deeply we understand ourselves, and the issues at hand. Until we can look at our true selves and our true situations and see life on its deeply personal level nothing really changes. We stay the same. Nothing will become real for us and we remain circular beings.
I’ve spent the last 6 years expanding my understanding of life in order to change. I realized that I had to own all my gifts and faults in addition to my circumstances. Then I had to decide what I wanted from life and decide whether or not it was worth it to try to go after what I want. Personally I’m scared but I try ever day to move further along my path because I understand what’s at stake and I don’t want to move in circles ever again.
As always, thanks for reading to the end. Talk to you next week.