Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Hmmmm.. what's going on?

Hey everyone. How are you? Well I must say that I been a little busy with stuff like Halloween, convincing myself that it's a good time to start soliciting publications to actually publish this puppy and a myriad of other things on my plate. Since I don't get paid a damn thing to do this column yet, yes I said yet, it frequently gets pushed to the back burner. I'm OK with that and I hope you are too.

Well Today I plan to get two samples ready to send out to a few publications in Canada and the US. I'm excited. It's a big step, but I'm ready to take it. Also, I might get another column up later today. I've already started one so I should probably just finish it.

Until then... have a swell day.

The Real Married Man


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