Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Greatness Stays

Here we are. It’s a simple statement but it seriously embraces the truth. Here we are. What are we going to do about it? I ponder that frequently. For me, figuring out what I’m going to do seems a lot more difficult than a lot of people I know. I’m not sure exactly why this is, but I do know that it relates directly to the choices I’ve made and the people I’ve decided to give my allegiance.

While I watched TV this week I heard Gene Hackman talk about greatness. He played the part of a football coach and it was one of those inspiring moments that sports movies bring out like only sport movies can. It’s truly inspiring how inspiring a sports movie can be. Anyway, ole Gene said something about greatness and how greatness no matter how small stays with a man. I was inspired.

The truth of what he talked about, or what some writer decided to make him talk about, was the choices people make. I realize this sounds like shite, but it’s true. Everything bases itself on a series of events we as people put ourselves through. Think about it like this. Different opportunities present themselves in different circumstances for different people. This can be as simple as taking a new way home from work. It’s new and offers another set of possibilities from what you are used to. Even if you take the same way home from work every day, each day presents a different scenario where you need to react, make decisions and live with the decisions of other people, animals and natural elements. And ole Gene decided to talk about greatness. Here is where it gets good.

You see greatness is a decision. It’s not something that just happens to you. Think of all the trust fund babies who grow up with a silver spoon in their mouth. Did they have to do anything great to get what they were born into? No, not really. All they had to do was get born, which is a great thing, but it’s not anything that everyone else hasn’t done. Someone else did great things before them and they get to reap the benefits. But they have the choice to do something great or live their lives in mundane comfort and never challenge themselves to anything.

Now greatness, there’s something to sneeze at. Greatness, what does it mean? Personally I think everyone makes their own definition. What’s great to someone is piss to someone else. It’s like that with everything. Greatness does not have to be big, just great. I think sometimes getting the heck out of bed is pretty great. Greatness is also big. Einstein was great. Nelson Mandela was great. This people were great in a big way.

But greatness… think about it. Greatness sticks with a man. Think about that. I do all the time and I know what it means. For me it means the ability to look at things for what they truly are and move beyond the useless things in life and focus on what needs to happen. This is great for me. I’m 35 and I just figured this out. There is so much bullshit in the world but nothing stops me from being great. All I have to do is decide to be great, do something about it then repeat. Pretty soon I’ll do great things all the time, because, as Gene said, greatness sticks with a man.

My daughter is great. She took her first steps at eight months, potty trained, on her own, before she was two and positively affects people wherever she goes, and I’m her daddy. She sticks with me and I take care of her and help keep her safe. My wife, her mom, stays with our daughter too. Our daughter shares her greatness, grace and beauty with us every single day a million times and we love her. That’s great. You see, I already decided to do great things. I’m not sure I knew it. Now I know and I’ll keep on doing them until the day I die simply because it’s my choice.

Greatness, it’s the choice we all have. Do you want to make that choice? It’s not hard. All you have to do is make up your mind and got for it.

Thanks for reading to the end. Talk to you next week.

The Real Married Man.


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